Bodywork Services

Thai Ashiatsu Massage

Get the same great benefits of Thai and the precise deep pressure you desire! By fusing Thai and Ashiatsu this massage uses gravity and broad strokes to help elongate the spine, dramatically stretch shortened muscles, flush the body's lymphatic system, improve posture, and increase range of motion.

$105.00 per 60-minute and $135.00 for a 90-minute session. Need-based sliding scale fee available.

Traditional Thai Massage

Thai yoga therapy is an ancient healing practice originating in India over 2,500 years ago that was practiced by buddhist monks as a way to keep the body healthy and pain free during long periods of meditation. This “passive yoga”is a sequence of movements combining meditative breathing, assisted stretching, acupressure massage, and compression to balance your energy and stimulate overall health and well-being. It gives a full body relaxation by increasing circulation and flexibility, calming the nervous system, and promoting deep relaxation in muscle tissues.

$105.00 per 60-minute and $135.00 for a 90-minute session. Need-based sliding scale fee available.

Transforming Trauma Bodywork

Using a mind-body perspective, the therapist looks at the metaphysical relationship between physiology, mental blocks, and external environments. This treatment creates a safe and supportive environment to understand the communication of their symptoms, release and reorient energy in the body, and transform traumatic experiences.

$105.00 per 60-minute and $135.00 for a 90-minute session. Need-based sliding scale fee available.


Inversion Therapy Add-On

Anti-gravity stretching inspired by acroyoga and Thai massage with partners held up by my hands and feet. These sequences of inverted positions decompress the spine, improve structural alignment, increase blood circulation, relieve digestive disorders, and open the heart body. This massage is open to anyone with no prior yoga or acrobatic experience necessary

Add-On: $30

Nueromuscular Massage

Get the same increased flexibility, range of motion, and circulation of Thai massage with detailed neuromuscular work for chronic pain and injury areas. This massage incorporates Eastern and Western modalities to manipulate soft tissue to treat chronic pain involving the muscular and nervous systems.

Add-On: $25

These services can be added on when booking your main service